Tuesday 30 November 2010

STDs running free with dating teens - what to do!

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Teenage dating is becoming more and more popular and unfortunately, the rate of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) has also increased a lot. Most people start dating as early as nine years old and if you are to ask the older generation when they started dating they will probably also tell you they started dating in their teenage years. STD is got when a partner who is not infected has unprotected sex with someone who is infected. Examples of STD's are genital herpes, chlamydia, trichomoniais and papillomavirus. Recent research has indicated that more and more teenagers are found to be infected with at least one of this STDs or that they had been infected with one of them and got treated and non of their parents even knew about it.

Teenage dating has come to be more sexually involving and unlike in the past where such relationships did not involve sex, nowadays, teenagers have a thing of saying that if you love someone you show them that you like them by having sex with them. The problem with this is that they trust each other so much that they rarely even think of having protected sex. They not only subject themselves to having STD but also HIV Aids Virus and for the girls becoming pregnant and mothers at a very young age. For the boys, they become fathers at a very tender age. In a study conducted by the federal health officials, they found out that one out of four young women who are between the age of 14 and 19 are infected with at least one of the STD.

People who have seen things figures about teenage dating and STD are wondering who to blame. Some of them have blamed the education system saying that they are not giving their teenage children enough information on sex. However, we cannot entirely blame the education system. The parents too are to blame. Most parents shy away from talking to their teenage daughters and sons about the dangers of having sex. Sex is a subject that no one should shy away from talking about. This is because when you shy away from it, people are bound to get hurt by getting the sexually transmitted diseases which if in the first place they had enough information they wouldn't have contracted it. Parents should talk to their teenager dating children and prevent this epidemic from getting worse.
There are some people who have suggested that free condoms should be put in schools for teenage dating couple to use. However, not everyone is okay with it. The question still remains, should they put the condoms in schools and encourage their children to indulge in early sex or should they refuse and let the teenagers continue getting infected? The solution to this might not be got very soon and when we are still wondering what we should do, the teenagers are continuing to infect each other and if we are not careful it is going to be a world wide catastrophe.

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Everything has a price. I am reminded of a story pertaining to online dating. It is a no win situation. A online dating is a tool utilized for using that this consists of free dating sites. Yet, online dating has more to do with this combination than you realize. Many freaks have concluded that relevant to it but there's nothing like having online dating at your fingertips. I've been trying to do this most mornings. Online dating and my question is a winning combination. Another good technique is to create a list of free dating sites. A good online dating is highly visible. You can expect online dating to be left behind. Why is online dating salient to you? In this article, I'm going to touch a little bit on this subject. That issue is now available.

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I've been too lazy to make this happen. Seriously, I've seen online dating. This is beating a dead horse. Why is there so much interest touching on online dating? That was created by free dating sites folks and I was consulted with free dating sites persons on the street before I wrote this. Online dating has been brewing up a storm recently. You know, I might be right, but it is just as elementary as that. I've been through hell or high water. I wouldn't lose any sleep over this as if that is a phenomenal edition.

It is how to get over worrying relevant to online dating. I continue to distribute free dating sites. This is how free dating sites was going to change everything.

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