Tuesday 30 November 2010

Free tips on what to do when your teen starts dating

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Every parent is almost afraid of when their teenage will start dating, some parents would even love to put their teenage children under lock and key but that is not entirely possible unless you are some parent who does not respect your teenage freedom. Teenage dating is almost unavoidable but parents need not be afraid. It should be one of the best times in your lives. This is the time you can mould your child to be a better person in terms of relationships. This is when you can teach your child not to be a 'player' and to be responsible in future. Infact, if this process is handled well, I dare to say the world would have less heart aches.

When your teenager is teenage dating one of the things you should do is to talk to them. Get to know why they are in this relationship and what they do. You should also know whether they are serious about it or they are just joking. While talking you can even get to know if they are in this relationship out of peer pressure or they are the ones who wanted to be in this relationship. While talking to them you can come up with a few rules that your teenage child should adhere to while dating and make them know breaking any of the rules are unacceptable and it is punishable. You can also make them know that you are the parent and you are the one who gets to decide what goes on in your house.
Make sure your teenager comes back on time every time they go out with their boyfriend or girlfriend. You can also let them know keeping time is essential and that when they come any minute later, they will be punished. This prevent your teenage dating child to get into trouble by either going to clubs. You should also make sure you meet with the teenage who wants to take your child out. You might be able to see through them and see if their intention is good or they have a hidden agenda. A child psychology can be easy to understand and telling a child is lying is easier than most people think. A child cannot be brighter than you, you can give them a benefit of doubt but you should be able to know if they are lying.
Be open, trustful and respectful to your teenage dating child. Children just like adults do not like it when they cannot be trusted yet they have done nothing to warrant your mistrusts. Once you show your child you do not trust them, you will be sending them a message that whatever they do you will still not trust them enough to believe what they tell you. They might even do something just to prove you right and you do not want that to happen. Be open to them and let them share with you their experiences. Be respectful by respecting their privacy. Going through their closet or school bag will not help you much, it will only drive the child further away from you.

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